Health & Safety Executive
HSE's Offshore Division (OSD) is responsible for the offshore oil and gas industry. Our mission is to protect people's health and safety by ensuring risks in the changing workplace are properly controlled. Our current priorities are:
Reporting An Incident
You can report an incident online, by email, telephone or by post, click here to visit the HSE RIDDOR page or see the basic information and links below:
RIDDOR is the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995. Employers, the self-employed and those in control of premises must report specified workplace incidents.
Report an incident online
- Report of an injury
- Report of a dangerous occurrence
- Report of an injury offshore
- Report of a dangerous occurrence offshore
- Report of a case of disease
- Report of flammable gas incident
- Report of a dangerous gas fitting
Complete the appropriate report online form above. The form will then be submitted directly to the Incident Contact Centre. You will be sent a copy for your records. NB. Copies of submitted RIDDOR forms are sent to the employers / dutyholders regardless of who has submitted the report
Download the appropriate form and email it to
Call our Incident Contact Centre on 0845 300 99 23 (Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5 pm.)
An operator will take down appropriate details and complete a report form for you over the phone. You will be sent a copy for your records. Your report will be passed on to the relevant enforcing authority. You will be sent a copy of the information recorded which you can file - this meets the RIDDOR requirement to keep records of all reportable incidents. It’s as easy as that. When you receive a copy of the information recorded, you will be able to correct any errors or omissions. NB. Copies of submitted RIDDOR forms are sent to the employers / dutyholders regardless of who has submitted the report.
Useful Information
The HSE website contains a wealth of useful information and is well worth a visit, you can click on the blue links below to go straight to the website.
Operations Notices
Operations notices are intended to advise the offshore industry of new regulatory requirements, contact points within the Offshore Division for communications (eg accident/incident reporting) and of other Government requirements with respect to offshore operations which may have safety implications.
Safety Alerts and Notices
Safety alerts are a mechanism for urgent notifications to industry, and are normally used to make the interim findings of accident investigations known where urgent action may be required.
Safety notices highlight matters of concern in generic safety issues, which inspectors have identified and forewarn sector dutyholders of potential dangers. In the main, they deal with hardware-related issues, hazards and controls.
Offshore Information Sheets
Offshore information sheets provide good practice guidance on a range of technical issues.
HSE has produced various free offshore leaflets which you can also get online.